


Role in the project


About the project

Online MMORPG game


Return of the Saiyans



Creating a functional and creative informational website for a browser-based MMORPG game

Creating a functional and creative informational website for a browser-based MMORPG game

For the client's needs, I prepared the entire userflow integrated with the ReturnOfTheSaiyans online game API. Additionally, I prepared a prototype of glowing spheres, including a responsive version, upon request.

For the client's needs, I prepared the entire userflow integrated with the ReturnOfTheSaiyans online game API. Additionally, I prepared a prototype of glowing spheres, including a responsive version, upon request.

1 stage

1 stage

Main page presenting promotional film and game features together with news

Main page presenting promotional film and game features together with news

I have prepared a PC version and a responsive one, I present the userflow process below

I have prepared a PC version and a responsive one, I present the userflow process below

2nd stage

2nd stage

Introduction to the game world and view of app download

Introduction to the game world and view of app download

The first view shows the characters that the player can choose, then information about the world.

The first view shows the characters that the player can choose, then information about the world.

3 stage

3 stage

Payments, List of weapons

Payments, List of weapons

Using SIMPay and G2APAY, you can make payments and earn more points, which are necessary to climb up in the ranking of top players. With the points, you can exchange golden bullets for weapons.

Using SIMPay and G2APAY, you can make payments and earn more points, which are necessary to climb up in the ranking of top players. With the points, you can exchange golden bullets for weapons.

4 stage

4 stage

Character profile, Guild list

Character profile, Guild list

You will translate a "text" property containing text in a JSON object using the following configuration: {{fromLanguage}}

You will translate a "text" property containing text in a JSON object using the following configuration: {{fromLanguage}}